
Deploymachine runs locally on OSX or GNU/Linux.

Clone the deploymachine to an easily accesible folder on your local machine. Replacing username with your local username, the recommended place to clone is:

  • /home/username/www/lib/deploymachine/ for GNU/Linux
  • /Users/username/www/lib/deploymachine/ for OSX

Copy the example files and customize for your project. A suggestion is to instead store these private files a private git repository, and create symlinks to them. These files are set to be ignored in the deploymachine’s .gitignore:

$ cp
$ cp
$ cp kokki-config.dist.j2 kokki-config.j2

You must also set some environment variables for your interactive shell. For example, add the following to your ~/.bashrc and edit accordingly:

export OPENSTACK_COMPUTE_USERNAME=""  # your rackspace username
export OPENSTACK_COMPUTE_APIKEY=""  # your rackspace apikey
export VIRTUALENVS_LOCAL_ROOT=""  # typically /home/username/.virtualenvs/
export SITES_LOCAL_ROOT=""  # try /home/username/www/

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